
Profound New Research on Improving Multiple Sclerosis with Diet

Multiple sclerosis (MS), is an auto-immune condition affecting more than 1 million Americans. And like other autoimmune conditions, it it’s becoming more prevalent. The role of genetics in MS is not significant. Lifestyle choices however may play important roles in regulating the immune system, and therefore should certainly be looked at as it relates to this and other autoimmune conditions.

My guest today, Dr. Terry Wahls, is herself a multiple sclerosis patient. On the podcast she describes how aggressive her multiple sclerosis became, how she herself did not seem to realize any dramatic improvement from pharmaceutical intervention, and how she ultimately discovered the important role of nutrition in terms of regulating her immune system and as such, the disease course of her multiple sclerosis situation.

Dr. Wahls then took these observations and created programs for other MS patients, applying rigorous scientific principles to study the effects of nutritional interventions.

Her latest study compares her nutritional protocol with a long-standing nutritional approach to multiple sclerosis called The Swank Diet that actually began being utilized in the late 1940s. I will say that the results she has obtained, which we discussed today, are extremely impressive.

There is certainly good reason to consider the use of pharmaceutical intervention in multiple sclerosis. Nonetheless, that’s one intervention that, in my opinion, should certainly be coupled with other proven therapies, like nutrition. Dr. Wahls makes it very clear that there are multiple mechanisms by which this dietary change may prove helpful in the MS patient; by targeting things like inflammation, the functionality of the gut bacteria, and even the function of mitochondria.

I am certain you will enjoy today’s interview. I do want to indicate that you can learn more about Dr. Wahls by reading her book, The Wahls Protocol.

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