Sandra N.
My husband and I were forced, by chronic illness, almost 4 years ago, to adopt the Grain Brain lifestyle. My husband had chronic kidney disease and we were pushed, by the advice of medical doctors, to make up our own minds and eliminate foods like grains and dairy. We struggled to stay ahead of his “failing” clinical “numbers” as I learned more and more about nutrition, trying to delay what seems now to be the inevitable.
My husband received a donor kidney from his daughter in 2012. Because of what we went through and because of what I learned, we don’t eat gluten, grains or (most) starchy vegetables. We eat a fatty diet of grass-feed meats, eggs and complex vegetables. We have always been people who love the out-of-doors. We walk 3 miles a day, we ski, we hike and we kayak.
If we hadn’t made these changes, I truly believe we wouldn’t be able to lead the active lifestyle we still maintain.