Biometrics and the Microbiome
The data being generated by scientists involved in microbiome research is truly mind-boggling in its scope. The good news is that some of the world’s most talented data scientists are now involved in this research as well. One such individual is Professor Larry Smarr, at the University of California, San Diego.
Dr. Smarr is a physicist, specifically an astrophysicist, and he is clearly one of the world leaders in the science of computing and super-computer applications.
Dr. Smarr has more recently begun exploring the human microbiome, using his own medical situation as a test case, in terms of applying super computer technology to the analysis of data he is generating. He has now extended this endeavor, looking at data generated from hundreds of other individuals as well.
Because of the aggressive application of data analysis in looking at a vast array of biometric markers that Dr. Smarr has accumulated, he has been described as personifying the “patient of the future”, as is described in his TedMed lecture that I would encourage you to review.
I want all of you to know that I was overwhelmed by my recent visit with Dr. Smarr at UCSD and what his work predicts for the future of healthcare.
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