Rachel H.

Rachel’s story, about overcoming an everyday challenge thanks to a changed diet, is something we can all relate to. Her enthusiasm for her new lifestyle, and desire to share it with others to help improve their lives, is noble work. – Dr. Perlmutter
I am a librarian in a large public high school in New Mexico. I am presently reading your book and wishing I had read it a long time ago. Since going grain-free about 3 months ago, I have lost 12 pounds, which, for a woman like me (I am 62), is wonderful.
But even better is my ability to run up the stairs.
The library is located one floor below the main office. I can’t tell you how many times a day I need to go the the main office, to talk to the secretary, the bookkeeper or just get my mail. Previously, when I was eating gains, I would walk up the stairs and when I got to the main office floor, I couldn’t breath and talk at the same time. I just kept saying to myself, I need to exercise more, but I never did. So after changing my diet, I noticed that I could run up the stairs, get to the main office and just talk to whomever I needed to. Now, I run up the stairs a few times each day just to enjoy the feeling.
Working in a high school, I also get to see the HORRIBLE food my students eat. I tell as many of them who will listen about my changed eating habits. One 12th grader told me yesterday that she had taken my advice and lost 10 pounds, which is really good because she had been having knee problems. I have ordered a copy of your book for the library and you can be sure when it comes in that I will try to get as many kids (and teachers) as possible to read it.