Jen E.

This morning, after finishing my run and reading Dr. Perlmutter’s latest email, I am feeling such a profound urge to share my gratitude and a little about my own health journey.

A year-and-a-half ago I stumbled across Brain Maker on Amazon and ordered it. I was 44 years old struggling with depression, anxiety and a lifelong eating disorder. I was at a very low point. I weighed about 300 lbs. and was feeling quite hopeless. When I received Dr. Perlmutter’s book and began reading it (voraciously I might add) new hope began dawning in me. It brings tears to my eyes just remembering this because it was such a huge turning point for me. I took what I learned from Brain Maker (and other sources too) and began turning my health and my life around.

Today I am a 45 year old woman (a very fit and muscular one too!) at 140 pounds. I still struggle somewhat with depression and food issues, but I also have more knowledge and hope too. It is certainly not always easy, but I am so grateful today for Dr. Perlmutter and so many others like him who spread a message of hope and give so many people the knowledge to be in control of their own health and happiness.

-Jen E.

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