Linda J.

Like Linda, many people don’t realize just how much improvement there can be to the overall state of your health just by going gluten-free. – Dr. Perlmutter

For over ten years, I have had a hand tremor. In the last year the tremor became very annoying – I couldn’t text smoothly on my phone or apply eyeliner. My doctor asked if I wanted to be tested for Parkinson’s Disease. I postponed that option because I watched my mother decline from the disease and saw the toll the side effects of her medication took on her. Just a few months ago, I glanced at a copy of Grain Brain in the store, happened to see the section on treating movement disorders, read the book in a week and began my own Grain Brain lifestyle.

As I hoped, my tremor improved in the first week, but I was surprised and delighted at other conditions which cleared up! No more embarrassing gas and constipation! No more Raynaud’s symptoms in my toes! No more arthritis symptoms in my feet! Weirdest of all, my fingernails are growing in stronger than they have been in a long time. I am pleased and excited that, after just turning 60, some “old age symptoms” are gone.

 -Linda J.

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