Mari M.
I quit eating wheat and gluten 11 years ago due to a positive test for sensitivity for both. Prior to that, I had constant bloating and “mystery” itches that no doctor could diagnose.
As soon as I quit wheat and gluten, the itch was gone! It would only come back when I ate food crossed-contaminated by wheat/gluten!
My whole life has changed for the better. After removing wheat and gluten, I immediately lost 15 pounds! Did my energy return? Let me just say WOW, did it ever! I am 63 years young and my younger friends and family can barely keep up!
I recently decided to go on a very low carb program, and I stick to 60carbs/day or less. I feel even better than I did before, and even lost an extra ten pounds! Also, I would like to add that I have run a support group for people with Tinnitus for 16 years now and I believe that wheat/gluten does have a negative effect on tinnitus sufferers! Sure does with me!