
Read My Answers On Quora

Read My Answers On Quora
By Team Perlmutter
Category: Science

I spend a lot of time browsing Quora, and I think it’s an incredibly valuable network on which to engage in thought-provoking conversation. Occasionally, I’ll share some of the great questions I come across here, along with my answer.

Q: What are the key open questions regarding Alzheimer’s disease?

A: I think the key issue today in dealing with the epidemic of Alzheimer’s disease is what can be done to prevent this disease, a disease for which there is no cure. The evolving data is clear: a high carbohydrate diet leading to blood sugar elevations is a powerful pivot point in the genesis of the disease. So the answer as to whether the disease can be prevented or not is clearly a strong and resounding “yes.”

Just take a look at this recent publication. We just have to broaden our educational pursuits as part of a public health effort to let people know that carbs are basically toxic to the brain.

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Alzheimer’s  Blood Sugar  

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Dr. Perlmutter is one of the leading lights in medicine today, illuminating the path for solving chronic illness

Mark Hyman, MD