Brain Boosting Chocolate

- 1/2 cup plain cocoa powder
- 10 scoops lo-han sweetener
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 1-1/4 cup coconut oil
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Add all dry ingredients into a bowl or large cup. Mix well with a fork.
If coconut oil is solid, first heat lightly in a pan – or place the jar of oil in a container of hot water from the tap for several minutes.
Add 1 ¼ cup oil into a (separate) cup-measurer or other container (large enough to hold about 2 cups). Add all dry ingredients to oil and mix well. Add ½ teaspoon vanilla to everything and mix well.
Pour a little less than 1/8 of a cup into Dixie cups. Salt does not dissolve into oil, so stir it frequently as you pour mixture into the cups. Refrigerate.
- If you want to use liquid stevia, add it at the last step. If you are using powered stevia, add during the dry ingredient mixing.
- Mix chocolate, cooled or warm with almond butter and/or banana. Add xylitol to the chocolate/almond butter mixture.
(Recipe via Mark Christensen)