de Bustos F, Molina JA, Jiménez-Jiménez FJ, García-Redondo A, Gómez-Escalonilla C, Porta-Etessam J, Berbel A, Zurdo M, Barcenilla B, Parrilla G, Enriquez-de-Salamanca R, Arenas J
We compared serum levels of coenzyme Q10 and the coenzyme Q10/cholesterol ratio in 44 patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), 17 patients with vascular dementia (VD), and 21 matched controls. The mean serum coenzyme Q10 and cholesterol levels and the coenzyme Q10/cholesterol ratio of patients with AD or VD did not differ significantly from those of controls. Coenzyme Q10 levels and coenzyme Q10/cholesterol ratio of AD or VD patients were not correlated with age, age at onset, duration of the disease or scores of the MiniMental State Examination. These results suggest that these values are not related with the risk for AD or VD.