
Brain Health

Your Brain – Your Choice

Your Brain – Your Choice

Your Brain – Your Choice My life mission, as defined over the past couple of decades, is focused on achieving one goal – getting the message to as many people as will listen that our day-to-day lifestyle ch...
Blueberries, Good for the Brain?

Blueberries, Good for the Brain?

We often hear blueberries described as being a superfood, and almost universally they are included in the various lists describing “brain boosting foods.” Sure, there are studies that demonstrate blueberry c...
Coffee – Yes or No?

Coffee – Yes or No?

It seems like no matter where I lecture, even internationally, the question about coffee consumption as it relates to health almost always works its way into the Q and A session. So, I thought it would make ...
Something You Should Buy for Better Brain Energetics

Something You Should Buy for Better Brain Energetics

The human brain, despite only representing 5% of total body weight, consumes an astounding 25% of the body‘s energy at rest. And by and large, the energy that powers the brain is derived from the sugar gluco...
New Medication Associated with a 50% Risk Reduction for Dementia!

New Medication Associated with a 50% Risk Reduction for Dementia!

In the context of the lack of any meaningful treatment for dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, the recent discovery of a new medication that has been shown to be associated with dementia risk reductio...
Positive Brain Effects of Microdosed Psychedelics

Positive Brain Effects of Microdosed Psychedelics

We are seeing a lot of research in recent years looking at the therapeutic potential of natural psychedelic medicines. The reality is that this research has been going on since the early 1960s. And with the...
Support for Weight Training in Your Brain Program

Support for Weight Training in Your Brain Program

Over the past two decades I’ve spoken and written at length on the important relationship between exercise and brain health. I truly believe that rigorous scientific research supports the idea that one of ...
Midlife Obesity Now The Number One Dementia Risk Factor

Midlife Obesity Now The Number One Dementia Risk Factor

In recent years there has been a lot written about the remarkable relationship between physical inactivity and risk for Alzheimer's disease. In fact, until quite recently, physical inactivity was regarded a...
Glutathione – Powerful Brain Protection

Glutathione – Powerful Brain Protection

How do we know our level of personal risk as it relates to cognitive decline? This is important information because once we identify the various factors that relate to our risk, it may offer up opportunitie...
Let’s Look Elsewhere in Alzheimer’s Research

Let’s Look Elsewhere in Alzheimer’s Research

As is so often the case in modern medicine, so much of research science tends to focus on single causes as it relates to various disease states. Clearly, if a single cause can be validated it opens the door...