

A Cardiologist Speaks from the Heart

A Cardiologist Speaks from the Heart

I was recently participating in a room on a new social media platform, Clubhouse, when a very amiable gentleman was invited to the stage to speak. He related how he had written a book of poetry about his exp...
6 Ways to Build Connection Into Your Day

6 Ways to Build Connection Into Your Day

There’s a painful paradox in the modern world: superficially, we seem to be more connected than ever, and yet, in some of the most important ways, the exact opposite is true. In fact, we are increasingly lon...
The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, M.D. and Tana Amen

The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, M.D. and Tana Amen

 It has been said that “into each life some rain must fall.” That’s pretty much a given, for most of us. The challenge becomes how we let these experiences inform us moving forward. Tana Amen, author of the...
“Actually, he may have a point.”

“Actually, he may have a point.”

It’s probably been a while since you’ve heard someone say, “You know, he may have a point,” or “I see where she’s coming from, I never thought of it that way.” We are becoming an increasingly polarized socie...
Seeking Wisdom: Henry David Thoreau

Seeking Wisdom: Henry David Thoreau

Brain Wash, our new book, does a deep dive into how we can actually restructure our brains to make better long-term decisions, as opposed to catering to our immediate gratification. What we’ve identified are...
What Makes Brain Wash Different

What Makes Brain Wash Different

As I write you this post, we sit less than two months away from the release of my newest book, Brain Wash: Detox Your Mind for Clearer Thinking, Deeper Relationships, and Lasting Happiness, which I co-wrote ...
5 Things We’ve Learned Since The Release of Grain Brain

5 Things We’ve Learned Since The Release of Grain Brain

Five years ago today, we embarked on an incredible journey. Together, we sought to understand the roots of brain health, and how we can help fend off ailments like dementia and Alzheimer's, diseases for whic...
Reconnecting with the Present

Reconnecting with the Present

For many of us life is pretty much focused on achievement. Whether instilled in us early in life by our parents or through our educational experiences, it seems that there are benchmarks that we constantly s...
6 Powerful Ways to Improve Brain Health

6 Powerful Ways to Improve Brain Health

By: The Dr. Perlmutter Team What does it mean to have a healthy brain? It means having a brain that is readily capable of performing all of its vital functions. This includes basic functions, like regulati...
A Favorite Quote

A Favorite Quote

I wanted to share with you one of my favorite quotes... A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as so...