Avocado Scrambled Eggs with Lemon Broccoli

2 cups broccoli, chopped
½ Tablespoon coconut oil
½ Tablespoon lemon juice
2 eggs, beaten
¼ ripe avocado, peeled & pit removed
1 Tablespoon nutritional yeast
Salt and pepper, to taste
Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat and cook broccoli until desired tenderness.
Transfer broccoli to serving bowl and toss with lemon juice; set aside.
In a small bowl, beat eggs and add avocado, mashing avocado into eggs with a fork. Stir in nutritional yeast and add salt and pepper as desired.
Cook eggs in same skillet you used for the broccoli, allowing eggs to set, then stirring gently, to scramble them.
When eggs are done, serve over broccoli. Garnish with fresh herbs, as desired.