

How Does Excess Body Fat Threaten Memory?

How Does Excess Body Fat Threaten Memory?

In the past, I have written several blogs discussing the relationship of body measurements like body mass index (BMI) to cognitive function, as well as relationships between what is called the waist-to-hip r...
Reducing Inflammation for Better Health

Reducing Inflammation for Better Health

The leading causes of death and disability worldwide are chronic degenerative conditions. These familiar diseases including cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and type II diabetes are incre...
Retrospectively reported childhood physical abuse, systemic inflammation, and resting corticolimbic connectivity in midlife adults

Retrospectively reported childhood physical abuse, systemic inflammation, and resting corticolimbic connectivity in midlife adults

Holiday Treats and Depression

Holiday Treats and Depression

It's something we all do at the holidays, when we're surrounded by gingerbread men, hot cocoa, fruitcakes, and chocolate candies. Faced with the choice of the sweet treat or healthier alternatives, we remind...
The depressogenic potential of added dietary sugars

The depressogenic potential of added dietary sugars

Body Fat Threatens Ability to Make Good Choices

Body Fat Threatens Ability to Make Good Choices

How does excess body fat affect the brain? Over the past several years we have been describing the various mechanisms whereby body fat increases the production of the chemical mediators of inflammation, and ...
What Makes Brain Wash Different

What Makes Brain Wash Different

As I write you this post, we sit less than two months away from the release of my newest book, Brain Wash: Detox Your Mind for Clearer Thinking, Deeper Relationships, and Lasting Happiness, which I co-wrote ...
Your Alzheimer’s Prevention Program – Start Today!

Your Alzheimer’s Prevention Program – Start Today!

It’s relatively straightforward – the best time to do something about fending off Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is well before you start to experience warning signs of cognitive decline. As has been well-...
Announcing Brain Wash

Announcing Brain Wash

Look around and ask yourself, could things be better? We believe the answer is a resounding yes. And this is our ultimate goal in bringing out our new book, Brain Wash. Brain Wash is a functional roadmap for...
How Belly Fat Threatens the Brain

How Belly Fat Threatens the Brain

Body fat. Even the phrase can be scary. But for the purposes of today's video, we need to change the way we talk about body fat. Body fat is more than a storage depot of calories for the winter. In fact, ...