
Your Success

We’re excited to showcase the success that our program has brought to your lives. Below, find first-person testimonials from people just like you about how the plans and wisdom contained in Grain Brain have changed your bodies, minds, and lives.

Whether a gluten-free diet has ended your experience with brain fog or cutting back on carbohydrates has improved your energy levels, we want to know about it! We welcome you to share your experiences with us at success@drperlmutter.com

Sandy C.

Sandy C.

What I like about Sandy’s store is the role her husband’s aunt played. On both social media and this website, I always talk about the important of sharing this information with others. The reason why is beca…
Jill R.

Jill R.

It sounds like Jill was an earlier adopter of the gluten-free lifestyle, but even she continues to be amazed by how positive choices, like those laid out in Grain Brain, can impact health. – Dr. Perlmutter …
Roger W.

Roger W.

Roger’s simple story is just that: a simple story about how diet can change the state of our health. – Dr. Perlmutter A disabled veteran, I recently went to the VA for a checkup. The results were shocking! …
Allison C.

Allison C.

Allison’s story reflects something I’ve seen more and more of lately: people having success by adopting a Grain Brain lifestyle and, in doing so, inspiring those around them. – Dr. Perlmutter I have been re…
Rachel H.

Rachel H.

Rachel’s story, about overcoming an everyday challenge thanks to a changed diet, is something we can all relate to. Her enthusiasm for her new lifestyle, and desire to share it with others to help improve th…
Ty T.

Ty T.

Ty sent me his story on Facebook, and after reading it, I knew I had to share it with you all. I’m impressed by his dedication to the LCHF lifestyle, and how he works to inspire and motivate others. – Dr. Pe…
Karen C.

Karen C.

I’ve fielded many questions about the efficacy of the Grain Brain lifestyle as a treatment for MS. While each and every person’s case is unique, and you should consult your physician before making any change…
Camille L.

Camille L.

Camille”s story really packs an emotional punch. It’s simply miraculous to read about how her change diet has enabled her to do so many things she had previously counted out. – Dr. Perlmutter I was recomme…
Albert P.

Albert P.

Albert’s story may be short, but I think that’s because he was so excited to share the changes he has been able to make to his health. These are great results and I wish him continued good health – Dr. Perlm…
Christina C.

Christina C.

Christina’s story shows how the adverse effects of gluten and grains can take many different forms. It’s wonderful to hear how both mother and daughter were healed by removing gluten from their diets. I wish…