

Midlife Obesity Now The Number One Dementia Risk Factor

Midlife Obesity Now The Number One Dementia Risk Factor

In recent years there has been a lot written about the remarkable relationship between physical inactivity and risk for Alzheimer's disease. In fact, until quite recently, physical inactivity was regarded a...
Even Minimal Exercise Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk

Even Minimal Exercise Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk

Sadly, despite incredible advances in our ability to treat so many challenging health threats, we are virtually empty handed as it relates to Alzheimer’s disease. So, it really makes sense to do everything ...
Exercise and Mental Health

Exercise and Mental Health

By Dr. Austin Perlmutter It’s not news to anyone: exercise is good for our health. What is more interesting is the recent research showing how physical activity may activate certain pathways within our immu...
Reducing Risk for Diabetes with Exercise

Reducing Risk for Diabetes with Exercise

While there has been so much attention as of late focused on infectious diseases, there is another epidemic that may have even wider implications—type 2 diabetes. In and of itself, diabetes is a significant ...
The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, MD, and Aaron Alexander

The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, MD, and Aaron Alexander

Yes, what we eat, how well we sleep, and so many other lifestyle choices are really important for our overall health and disease resistance. But how we move, stand, sit and engage our world turns out to be a...
Alzheimer’s and Exercise – You Can Protect Your Brain

Alzheimer’s and Exercise – You Can Protect Your Brain

The number of Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease has continued to grow at a dramatic rate. Currently, it is estimated that some 5.8 million Americans (of all ages) have Alzheimer’s disease. By and ...
Move Your Body – Love Your Brain

Move Your Body – Love Your Brain

How does simply moving around affect the brain? For the past several years I’ve been doing my best to get out the information that shows how aerobic exercise benefits the brain by increasing the growth of ne...
Father’s Exercise Habits May Benefit His Children!

Father’s Exercise Habits May Benefit His Children!

By Austin Perlmutter, MD We’re always taught to set a good example for our children, but what if your decision to exercise influenced the health of your future offspring? A recently published study in the jo...
Treating Alzheimer’s Disease? The Solution May Not Be What You Think.

Treating Alzheimer’s Disease? The Solution May Not Be What You Think.

It looks like there is a meaningful treatment for Alzheimer's disease! The best part? No need to visit your doctor to nab a prescription, because it's not a pill. Join me in today's video as we break down so...
Dementia – Reducing Your Risk Starts Today

Dementia – Reducing Your Risk Starts Today

Despite countless hundreds of millions of dollars dedicated to seeking out a meaningful treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, as of the time of this writing the pharmaceutical promise of dealing with this epide...