

GMO and Autism

GMO and Autism

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the prevalence of autism continues to rise here in America. Their surveillance study identified autism spectrum disorder in an incredible 1 i...
Artificial Sweeteners – Alzheimer’s and Stroke

Artificial Sweeteners – Alzheimer’s and Stroke

To those of you who follow my blog, the recent study demonstrating a remarkably increased risk for stroke, as well as Alzheimer’s disease, in relation to consumption of artificially-sweetened beverages shoul...
Diabetes, Obesity and Brain Health

Diabetes, Obesity and Brain Health

Over the past several years I have been writing about the detrimental effects of type 2 diabetes on brain health. For example, we've seen an extensive amount of research published that shows a strong relatio...
Important Brain Implications for Obesity in Diabetics

Important Brain Implications for Obesity in Diabetics

Scientific research definitively supports the relationship that results in less adequate control of blood sugar in type 2 diabetics when one is also overweight or obese. This is the reason why health care pr...
Autism and Gut Bacteria – Hope Moving Forward

Autism and Gut Bacteria – Hope Moving Forward

The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is continuing to increase in the United States. Current data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that the prevalence of autism c...
Zika – An Emerging Threat for All of Us

Zika – An Emerging Threat for All of Us

The relationship of the ZIka virus to the development of microcephaly has certainly been receiving a lot of attention in the news lately, and with good reason. Microcephaly is a devastating, although rare, c...
Worrisome Diabetes Advice from Reader’s Digest

Worrisome Diabetes Advice from Reader’s Digest

Dear Reader’s Digest: I recently reviewed some content on your website that identified The Best and Worst Drinks for Diabetics, and your recommendations were such that I feel compelled to author this respon...
Marijuana as an Alzheimer’s Treatment?

Marijuana as an Alzheimer’s Treatment?

There has been a lot of “buzz” lately about the potential of using marijuana as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. In a recent study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, scientists at the Unive...
Fight Autism – Choose Organic

Fight Autism – Choose Organic

Brain scientists are at a loss when it comes to trying to explain to the general public why we are seeing a profound, and ever-increasing, incidence of autism spectrum disorder. Obviously, although there may...
Alzheimer’s Risk Cut in Half!

Alzheimer’s Risk Cut in Half!

When you survey people to determine what diseases they fear the most, Alzheimer’s is always among the top answers. Its been estimated that in America today there are approximately 5.4 million of us who’ve be...