

Weight Loss – Mixed Messages from the American Medical Association

Weight Loss – Mixed Messages from the American Medical Association

In this report, Canadian and American researchers performed a comprehensive analysis of 48 randomized trials that encompassed over 7,000 individuals. They looked at the weight loss achieved by either a low-f...
Grain Brain – Scientific Validation

Grain Brain – Scientific Validation

Last month I had the great honor to serve as program chairman for an integrative brain symposium held in Hollywood, Florida. What was so exciting for me was the fact that I was given the opportunity to invit...
Understanding Gluten Sensitivity

Understanding Gluten Sensitivity

I recently treated a patient who had a history of headaches for 40 years. I did some blood work and found that she was gluten sensitive. I took her off of gluten and her headaches went away. She then visited...
The Role of Gut Permeability in MS

The Role of Gut Permeability in MS

Fundamental aspects of our clinical protocol for dealing with multiple sclerosis actually center upon re-building gut wall integrity. Multiple sclerosis, like other autoimmune conditions is a manifestation o...
How Sweeteners Are Reshaping Your Gut Bacteria

How Sweeteners Are Reshaping Your Gut Bacteria

My recent blog revealing a profound increased risk for developing diabetes in people who consume artificially sweetened beverages clearly struck a note, and with good reason. These days we are being heavily ...
A Possible Correlation Between ALS and Omega-3?

A Possible Correlation Between ALS and Omega-3?

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, and almost universally fatal neurological condition. Recently, I, like many of you, participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge to help raise not only aware...
Why We Need to Focus on Alzheimer’s Prevention

Why We Need to Focus on Alzheimer’s Prevention

A stunning new report was just published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), revealing an incredible overusage of medications that are basically useless in nursing home residents with ...
Nutrition and Mental Health

Nutrition and Mental Health

Schizophrenia is a disabling brain disorder affecting over 1% of the American population. There does seem to be some significant genetic component to this disease in that people having a primary relative wit...
Reduce Inflammation to Protect Your Brain

Reduce Inflammation to Protect Your Brain

Everyone is familiar with inflammation. When a joint is inflamed with arthritis, it swells, gets red, becomes painful, and becomes less functional. Inflammation may also occur in areas that are less obvious ...
To Lower Your Risk of Cancer, Look to Your Waist

To Lower Your Risk of Cancer, Look to Your Waist

By: Austin Perlmutter, MD, Medical Student, Miller School of Medicine Years of data now clearly demonstrate connections between obesity and increased risk for cancer. However, a new study published in the we...