

Eating Fat, Fighting Alzheimer’s

Eating Fat, Fighting Alzheimer’s

Today, in honor of Brain Awareness Month, I went to the Alzheimer’s Association’s web site to explore their “10 Way to Love Your Brain", which include: Fuel up right. Eat a healthy and balanced diet that is ...
The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, MD and Dr. Melissa Schilling

The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, MD and Dr. Melissa Schilling

At this point, it’s becoming a more commonplace topic in our conversations about Alzheimer’s that the disease is, in fact, preventable. While we’re not quite there yet in terms of general acceptance of thi...
Alzheimer’s News – This Should Be Front Page!

Alzheimer’s News – This Should Be Front Page!

It’s a staggering statistic, but we are told that by the year 2050 as many as 16 million Americans will be living with Alzheimer’s disease. Projected costs, mostly dedicated to nursing homes and homecare, ar...
Unraveling Alzheimer’s: Making Sense of the Relationship between Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease

Unraveling Alzheimer’s: Making Sense of the Relationship between Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Risk Cut in Half!

Alzheimer’s Risk Cut in Half!

When you survey people to determine what diseases they fear the most, Alzheimer’s is always among the top answers. Its been estimated that in America today there are approximately 5.4 million of us who’ve be...
Longitudinal Relationships between Caloric Expenditure and Gray Matter in the Cardiovascular Health Study

Longitudinal Relationships between Caloric Expenditure and Gray Matter in the Cardiovascular Health Study

Gut Microbiota: The Brain Peacekeeper

Gut Microbiota: The Brain Peacekeeper

The gut microbiota modulates host amino acid and glutathione metabolism in mice

The gut microbiota modulates host amino acid and glutathione metabolism in mice

Maple Syrup Cures Alzheimer’s?

Maple Syrup Cures Alzheimer’s?

This week, Fox News published a startling report titled, "Maple syrup isn’t just delicious, it could also cure Alzheimer’s disease.” How exciting! All of the talk about the dangers of sugar go right out the...
The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, MD and Dr. Mary Newport

The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, MD and Dr. Mary Newport

Alzheimer’s disease now affects more than 5.5 million Americans, and it is a disease without cure or meaningful treatment. Dr. Mary Newport, a medical doctor specializing in the care of critically ill newbor...