

Association of Cognitive Function Trajectories in Centenarians With Postmortem Neuropathology, Physical Health, and Other Risk Factors for Cognitive Decline

Association of Cognitive Function Trajectories in Centenarians With Postmortem Neuropathology, Physical Health, and Other Risk Factors for Cognitive Decline

Does Diet Really Affect the Brain?

Does Diet Really Affect the Brain?

Over the years we’ve heard so much information about how diet affects things like heart attack risk, bone density, diabetes and blood sugar control, as well as, more recently, the brain. We’ve known...
Phenylindanes in Brewed Coffee Inhibit Amyloid-Beta and Tau Aggregation

Phenylindanes in Brewed Coffee Inhibit Amyloid-Beta and Tau Aggregation

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

It is now clear that Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are strongly related to lifestyle choices. While there’s no pharmaceutical approach that can cure or have any meaningful impact on ...
Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers and Brain Atrophy in Old Age

Mediterranean Diet, Alzheimer Disease Biomarkers and Brain Atrophy in Old Age

Keys to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease – Drs. Ayesha and Dean Sherzai

Keys to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease – Drs. Ayesha and Dean Sherzai

While we accept the notion of the important influences of lifestyle choices as they relate, for example, to the heart, the immune system, lung function, longevity, and even cancer risk, the notion that what ...
Ketogenic Diet Proves Effective in Alzheimer’s Disease

Ketogenic Diet Proves Effective in Alzheimer’s Disease

Over the past several years a mechanistic concept has arisen that seeks to explain the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. This has been called the bioenergetic theory. Basically, it describes a situation i...
Randomized crossover trial of a modified ketogenic diet in Alzheimer’s disease

Randomized crossover trial of a modified ketogenic diet in Alzheimer’s disease

Helping Protect Our Children’s Brain Function for Their Later Years

Helping Protect Our Children’s Brain Function for Their Later Years

There are a number of factors that are clearly associated with risk of dementia, and specifically Alzheimer’s disease-related dementia. For example, there’s a dramatic increase in risk of developing Alzheime...
Association of Early-Life Cognitive Enrichment With Alzheimer Disease Pathological Changes and Cognitive Decline

Association of Early-Life Cognitive Enrichment With Alzheimer Disease Pathological Changes and Cognitive Decline