

Responsiveness of dentate neurons generated throughout adult life is associated with resilience to cognitive aging

Responsiveness of dentate neurons generated throughout adult life is associated with resilience to cognitive aging

Anti-inflammatory treatment rescues memory deficits during aging in nfkb1−/− mice

Anti-inflammatory treatment rescues memory deficits during aging in nfkb1−/− mice

The Post-amyloid Era in Alzheimer’s Disease: Trust Your Gut Feeling

The Post-amyloid Era in Alzheimer’s Disease: Trust Your Gut Feeling

Cellular senescence and Alzheimer disease: the egg and the chicken scenario

Cellular senescence and Alzheimer disease: the egg and the chicken scenario

Sleep Disturbance Forecasts β-Amyloid Accumulation across Subsequent Years

Sleep Disturbance Forecasts β-Amyloid Accumulation across Subsequent Years

Alzheimer’s Prevention Strategies Validated

Alzheimer’s Prevention Strategies Validated

Over the past decade we have been vigorously promoting the concept of Alzheimer’s prevention. Alzheimer’s disease is devastating, not just for the patient, but for families and loved ones as well. And let me...
Evidence-based prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of 243 observational prospective studies and 153 randomised controlled trials

Evidence-based prevention of Alzheimer’s disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of 243 observational prospective studies and 153 randomised controlled trials

Intakes of fish and polyunsaturated fatty acids and mild-to-severe cognitive impairment risks: a dose-response meta-analysis of 21 cohort studies

Intakes of fish and polyunsaturated fatty acids and mild-to-severe cognitive impairment risks: a dose-response meta-analysis of 21 cohort studies

You Can Choose to Lower Your Alzheimer’s Risk!

You Can Choose to Lower Your Alzheimer’s Risk!

A central theme of our outreach messaging over the past decade centers on the role of our everyday lifestyle decisions in influencing the health destiny of our brains. As many of you know, we recently produc...
The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, M.D. and Dr. Dale Bredesen

The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, M.D. and Dr. Dale Bredesen

It’s exciting to watch new developments in medicine, especially when new treatments for diseases are developed. Unfortunately, there is no treatment that has any merit for Alzheimer's disease. Think of it, ...