

Dystrophic microglia in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease

Dystrophic microglia in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease

Dietary Restriction and Neuroinflammation: A Potential Mechanistic Link

Dietary Restriction and Neuroinflammation: A Potential Mechanistic Link

The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, M.D., and Dr. Lisa Mosconi

The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, M.D., and Dr. Lisa Mosconi

Why are most Alzheimer’s patients women? It may come as a surprise to you, but women outnumber men when it comes to Alzheimer's disease sufferers by a ratio of 2 to 1. Why Alzheimer's affects women so adv...
Bacterial DNA promotes Tau aggregation

Bacterial DNA promotes Tau aggregation

Alzheimer’s and Exercise – You Can Protect Your Brain

Alzheimer’s and Exercise – You Can Protect Your Brain

The number of Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease has continued to grow at a dramatic rate. Currently, it is estimated that some 5.8 million Americans (of all ages) have Alzheimer’s disease. By and ...
Your Alzheimer’s Prevention Program – Start Today!

Your Alzheimer’s Prevention Program – Start Today!

It’s relatively straightforward – the best time to do something about fending off Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is well before you start to experience warning signs of cognitive decline. As has been well-...
How to Lower Risk for Brain Amyloid

How to Lower Risk for Brain Amyloid

It is well-documented that the accumulation of the beta-amyloid protein in the brain is correlated with Alzheimer's disease. Ongoing research seeks to understand how, and at what stage of Alzheimer's, beta-a...
Coffee – Good for Your Brain!

Coffee – Good for Your Brain!

There has certainly been a lot of information appearing in scientific literature as of late indicating that coffee consumption is good for the brain. One recent report has revealed what I believe to be a ver...
Neurogenesis & Alzheimer’s: A Correlation?

Neurogenesis & Alzheimer’s: A Correlation?

If you've been following me for some time, you know that one area of brain health we talk about in relationship to Alzheimer's, quite frequently, is neurogenesis. Otherwise known as the ability to grow new b...
Modified Mediterranean-ketogenic diet modulates gut microbiome and short-chain fatty acids in association with Alzheimer’s disease markers in subjects with mild cognitive impairment

Modified Mediterranean-ketogenic diet modulates gut microbiome and short-chain fatty acids in association with Alzheimer’s disease markers in subjects with mild cognitive impairment