

The gut microbiota — masters of host development and physiology

The gut microbiota — masters of host development and physiology

So depression is an inflammatory disease, but where does the inflammation come from?

So depression is an inflammatory disease, but where does the inflammation come from?

The gut-brain barrier in major depression: Intestinal mucosal dysfunction with an increased translocation of LPS from gram negative enterobacteria (leaky gut) plays a role in the inflammatory pathophysiology of depression

The gut-brain barrier in major depression: Intestinal mucosal dysfunction with an increased translocation of LPS from gram negative enterobacteria (leaky gut) plays a role in the inflammatory pathophysiology of depression

Neuro-Inflammation Induced By Lipopolysaccharide Causes Cognitive Impairment Through Enhancement Of Beta-Amyloid Generation

Neuro-Inflammation Induced By Lipopolysaccharide Causes Cognitive Impairment Through Enhancement Of Beta-Amyloid Generation

Neurobiological effects of intraventricular propionic acid in rats: Possible role of short chain fatty acids on the pathogenesis and characteristics of autism spectrum disorders

Neurobiological effects of intraventricular propionic acid in rats: Possible role of short chain fatty acids on the pathogenesis and characteristics of autism spectrum disorders

The Intestinal Microbiota Affect Central Levels of Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor and Behavior in Mice

The Intestinal Microbiota Affect Central Levels of Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor and Behavior in Mice

AGEs, Inflammation, and Hippocampal Atrophy

AGEs, Inflammation, and Hippocampal Atrophy

You've heard me speak extensively about the toxic role of sugar and carbohydrates in terms of brain health. I've even gone so far as to say that elevated blood sugar is correlated with shrinkage of the brain...
Dietary carbohydrate and the progression of age-related macular degeneration: a prospective study from the Age-Related Eye Disease Study

Dietary carbohydrate and the progression of age-related macular degeneration: a prospective study from the Age-Related Eye Disease Study

Epigenetics – The Power Of The Nrf2 Pathway

Epigenetics – The Power Of The Nrf2 Pathway

I've presented several videos indicating that lifestyle factors are obviously very important in determining whether your brain is going to be healthy or you are going to be at risk for a degenerative conditi...
Sulforaphane Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Sulforaphane Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)