
Your Success

We’re excited to showcase the success that our program has brought to your lives. Below, find first-person testimonials from people just like you about how the plans and wisdom contained in Grain Brain have changed your bodies, minds, and lives.

Whether a gluten-free diet has ended your experience with brain fog or cutting back on carbohydrates has improved your energy levels, we want to know about it! We welcome you to share your experiences with us at success@drperlmutter.com

Will P.

Will P.

My name is Will. I’m 42 years old and have been diagnosed with epilepsy since the age of 14. Additionally, I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and stomach ulcers. Over the past 5 years my health has be…
Jesse H.

Jesse H.

It’s wonderful to hear of the myriad conditions that were solved for Jesse just by eliminating gluten and wheat from his diet. – Dr. Perlmutter In 2006, I realized that wheat was affecting my health. Still,…
Melinda H.

Melinda H.

My story began many years ago when my daughter, then just a child of 9, suffered from severe anxiety, OCD, phobias and, constantly complained of stomach aches. I sought help through traditional medicine, onl…
Debi W.

Debi W.

I am thankful for discovering the information revealed in Grain Brain and Wheat Belly books! It has truly been life changing!! I am a 57 year old female and have always been a health nut. My eating habits an…
Caroline C.

Caroline C.

I am a physician who specializes in nutrition and metabolism and I have the great fortune of practicing in Naples and have shared patients with Dr. Perlmutter for over 15 years. Several years ago, I decide…
Caroline S.

Caroline S.

Having recently seen your special BRAINCHANGE, and finding it very interesting, I wanted to share my story and the long road to my diagnosis of celiac disease. As a teenager, I experienced migraines with vi…
Robert G.

Robert G.

I’m a physician who has had Type 1 Diabetes for 24 years. Always looking for answers and new science, I recently purchased Grain Brain. Since reading the book, and implementing its recommendations, my diabet…
Ken J.

Ken J.

Soon after my birthday celebration last September (I turned 47), a friend who had snapped a photo of me at that party posted that photo on my Facebook. In seeing my fairly overweight self in that picture, I …
Susan Y.

Susan Y.

I have Celiac, and I was diagnosed with IBS about 3 years ago. I had digestive problems for years. The medicine my doctors gave me did nothing to help. Having come across an article on the subject, I one da…
Nancy J.

Nancy J.

Shrinking your waist line can play a key role in shrinking the problems you experience in your brain as well. – Dr. Perlmutter About ten years ago, at an appointment with my doctor, I got on the scales and …