
Your Success

We’re excited to showcase the success that our program has brought to your lives. Below, find first-person testimonials from people just like you about how the plans and wisdom contained in Grain Brain have changed your bodies, minds, and lives.

Whether a gluten-free diet has ended your experience with brain fog or cutting back on carbohydrates has improved your energy levels, we want to know about it! We welcome you to share your experiences with us at success@drperlmutter.com

Claudio V.

Claudio V.

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s ten years ago. My disease brought me to several doctors, including four endocrinologists in three different countries. They were all focused on getting my TSH in an acceptabl…
William W.

William W.

It’s so nice to read about someone who has a renewed thirst, and excitement, for life because of these changes. – Dr. Perlmutter. Over the last decade, I developed severe anxiety and depression. I slowly wa…
Jamie K.

Jamie K.

It’s great to read a story like that of Jamie and her daughter, and their desire now, to share this information with others, is so admirable. -Dr. Perlmutter Where do I begin? My daughter is a patient of Dr…
Charlie E.

Charlie E.

I decide to change to my eating habits beginning last December. Since then, I find myself more well-rested, loving my balanced energy, about 6 lbs. lighter, and more focused.  The last benefit is welcome as …
Thomas B.

Thomas B.

I’m glad to hear that Thomas has been able to stick to his New Year’s resolution to go grain-free. I’m sure there are many of you out there who are doing the same. – Dr. Perlmutter I started on a grain-free…
Laura M.

Laura M.

Seven years ago I had a grand mal seizure and it was discovered I had a brain tumor (astrocytoma grade 3). It was so large that my entire right parietal lobe had to be removed in order to get the whole tumor…
Mike and Linda G.

Mike and Linda G.

What a wonderful story of success from Mike and Linda. It’s great to see how they go through this together. – Dr. Perlmutter My wife bought your book “Grain Brain” a few months ago and like most books we bu…
Christine T.

Christine T.

I love to hear from fellow medical professionals like Christine, who have shifted their way of thinking based on their personal experience with a changed diet/lifestyle. – Dr. Perlmutter I have battled my w…
Cindy J.

Cindy J.

The success Cindy has seen with her migraines has been well-documented in others. There are some studies available on my site that highlight this. – Dr. Perlmutter I have suffered from migraines for 26 year…
Ruth Ann N.

Ruth Ann N.

I’m an RN. I ordered Grain Brain after seeing you on FOX & Friends. My husband had ignored my suggestions that he lose weight for years. The last week of November and first week of December 2013 he was …