

Alzheimer’s News – This Should Be Front Page!

Alzheimer’s News – This Should Be Front Page!

It’s a staggering statistic, but we are told that by the year 2050 as many as 16 million Americans will be living with Alzheimer’s disease. Projected costs, mostly dedicated to nursing homes and homecare, ar...
Is Spraying for Zika A Health Risk?

Is Spraying for Zika A Health Risk?

War has been declared against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, carriers of the dreaded Zika virus. With some pretty solid evidence linking Zika to microcephaly, as well as Guillian-Barre syndrome, governments in af...
Body Fat: How it Causes Disease

Body Fat: How it Causes Disease

For years, scientists have recognized a strong relationship between excess body fat and risk for various diseases including Alzheimer's disease, coronary artery disease, diabetes, and many others. In this v...
Consider Gluten Sensitivity in Children with Psychosis

Consider Gluten Sensitivity in Children with Psychosis

Hardly a day goes by without someone telling me a story about a miraculous improvement in some form of medical condition when a person decided to eliminate gluten from his or her diet. No doubt, most would f...
Alzheimer’s Risk Cut in Half!

Alzheimer’s Risk Cut in Half!

When you survey people to determine what diseases they fear the most, Alzheimer’s is always among the top answers. Its been estimated that in America today there are approximately 5.4 million of us who’ve be...
Fight Autism – Choose Organic

Fight Autism – Choose Organic

Brain scientists are at a loss when it comes to trying to explain to the general public why we are seeing a profound, and ever-increasing, incidence of autism spectrum disorder. Obviously, although there may...
Maple Syrup Cures Alzheimer’s?

Maple Syrup Cures Alzheimer’s?

This week, Fox News published a startling report titled, "Maple syrup isn’t just delicious, it could also cure Alzheimer’s disease.” How exciting! All of the talk about the dangers of sugar go right out the...
Healthy Microbiome – Healthy Bones

Healthy Microbiome – Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis and osteopenia (meaning low bone mass) are extremely common problems here in America. The National Osteoporosis Foundation recently released data indicating that approximately 54 million America...
Something to Think About the Next Time You Shampoo Your Pet

Something to Think About the Next Time You Shampoo Your Pet

Allow me to paint a mental picture for you. It’s a beautiful spring day, and a handsome young couple is outside, laughing and smiling, garden hose in hand while they bathe their golden retriever. If you look...
Bears and the Human Microbiome

Bears and the Human Microbiome

As many of you know,  I have written extensively over the past several years about the important role of the microbiome. Those 100 trillion organisms that live within the gut, as well as their genetic materi...