

The Value of Time Restricting Our Food Consumption

The Value of Time Restricting Our Food Consumption

One very popular variation of outright fasting is what is called time-restricted feeding (TRF). In both humans and laboratory animals, TRF refers  the consumption of food only during a specific period of tim...
Eggs and Heart Disease

Eggs and Heart Disease

I have to shake my head when I still see “egg white omelet” on the breakfast menu at restaurants. Gone are the days when I would ask the waiter or manager why this was offered. Over time I realized that it w...
Fructose, a “Safer Sugar”?

Fructose, a “Safer Sugar”?

Lately, in an apparent attempt to push back from the negativity surrounding high fructose corn syrup, there seems to be an increase in the number of articles published touting the advantages of fructose as a...
Fructose and Diabetes Risk

Fructose and Diabetes Risk

Over the past several decades efforts have been made to try to convince us that, as it pertains to sugar, fructose is our best choice. One of the reasons often cited for this messaging was the misguided noti...
Can a Daily Fasting Period Reduce Risk for Metabolic Disease?

Can a Daily Fasting Period Reduce Risk for Metabolic Disease?

By: The Dr. Perlmutter Team Time-restricted eating is likely a familiar concept to those of you who participated in our Summer Fasting Challenge. Time-restricted eating, often termed time-restricted feeding ...
Diet and Depression: An Updated Perspective

Diet and Depression: An Updated Perspective

By Dr. Austin Perlmutter In conventional medical practice, the connection between diet and mood seems barely, if ever, mentioned. Depression is deemed a disease of the mind, or of the brain, treatable with p...
Can A Ketogenic Diet Treat Mental Disorders?

Can A Ketogenic Diet Treat Mental Disorders?

By the Dr. Perlmutter Team The ketogenic diet appears often in content I share as it offers a host of health benefits for conditions including Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, a...
Fact: I Like Onions

Fact: I Like Onions

I like onions. It’s true. Anyone who knows me knows that I will welcome onions to almost any recipe. And while this love affair has been going on a long time, it’s great to know now that a particular food th...
The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, M.D., and Dr. Uma Naidoo

The Empowering Neurologist – David Perlmutter, M.D., and Dr. Uma Naidoo

 What an exciting and important presentation we have for you today. For many years we have been providing information focused on the pivotal role of nutritional choices as they relate to the brain, mostly i...
Ketogenic Diet Proves Effective in Alzheimer’s Disease

Ketogenic Diet Proves Effective in Alzheimer’s Disease

Over the past several years a mechanistic concept has arisen that seeks to explain the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease. This has been called the bioenergetic theory. Basically, it describes a situation i...