

Eating for Tomorrow, Today

Eating for Tomorrow, Today

Friendly Fast-Food?

Friendly Fast-Food?

Thinking they might be able to catch me off-guard, I’ve received plenty of seemingly impossible to answer questions from some investigative minds. One that always entertains me is the question of what I woul...


When it comes to going gluten- or grain-free, the first complaint I always hear is the same: “But what am I going to do without my (insert grain/gluten-filled food here)!” For those of you who have the same ...
The Greatest Medicine

The Greatest Medicine

The sentiment of the above quote is something that speaks directly to the point I convey with my book. Grain Brain is all about how our diet is responsible for some of the most frightening neurological disor...
Cholesterol: Setting the Record Straight

Cholesterol: Setting the Record Straight

Like one of the most common sources of this protein in the human diet (eggs), the science on cholesterol changes by the week. Think about it, how many times have you heard doctors, nutritionists, scientists,...
Avocados: A Superfood

Avocados: A Superfood

In Grain Brain, on my Facebook page, on this website, and in all my works, I discuss the nutritional value of eating the avocado. The avocado is part of my “Anti-Alzheimer’s trio,” and is an incredible so...
The Facts on Fasting

The Facts on Fasting

If you follow my work and message, you know that I’m a champion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF. A protein that plays an integral role in stimulating the growth of new brain cells, and the perf...
A Choice, Not a Destiny

A Choice, Not a Destiny

Knowing this, it’s essential that we shape our future by taking control of our health today. Even the most insignificant of changes can have an impact resulting in years added on to your lifespan. I wrote Gr...
Exposing the Secret of Healthy Fats

Exposing the Secret of Healthy Fats

One of the myths I’m always trying to dispel is that fat is unhealthy. Most people think those high-fat foods are the reason their pants are fitting a little tighter. They’re not far off, the diet of the ave...
Save your brain

Save your brain

Everything comes back to your diet. In Grain Brain, I explain the links between your nutrition and your brain health.