

ADHD – Thinking Beyond the Brain

ADHD – Thinking Beyond the Brain

As is so often the case, Americans want to reach for pharmaceutical fixes for our various maladies, and so it is with ADHD. Right now, it is estimated that there are more than 6.5 million American children w...
NSAIDS, The Gut, and Inflammation

NSAIDS, The Gut, and Inflammation

As I have discussed on many occasions in this forum, the process of inflammation is a cornerstone of virtually any degenerative condition in the human experience. This includes diseases like cancer, diabetes...
New Study Shows How Gut Bacteria Affect How You See the World

New Study Shows How Gut Bacteria Affect How You See the World

In a challenge to our narcissism, a new report in the journal Gastroenterology, reveals that our gut bacteria may actually be playing an important role in our emotional responses. Dr. Kirsten Tillisch, assoc...
Could Gut Bacterial Imbalance Cause Brain Illness?

Could Gut Bacterial Imbalance Cause Brain Illness?

We Americans seem to be obsessed with hygiene and cleanliness. Whether it’s the hand sanitizer dispenser at the end of virtually every aisle in the grocery store, the plethora of antimicrobial cleaning produ...
The Real Scoop On Salt

The Real Scoop On Salt

By: Austin Perlmutter, MD, Medical Student, Miller School of Medicine If you’re like the average American, you’re a bit of a salt addict. More technically, you’re consuming excessive dietary sodium. For most...
Another Important Threat Posed by GMO Food

Another Important Threat Posed by GMO Food

Let’s put our conversation about the dangers of GMO foods aside for a moment and consider why so much of America’s agricultural production is now centered on the use of genetically modified seed. One of the ...
Red Meat Causes Cancer?

Red Meat Causes Cancer?

This week, a study published in the British Medical Journal showed that younger women who ate red meat had a slightly increased risk for developing breast cancer. The study involved close to 90,000 women fol...
Cholesterol – Fundamental for Life

Cholesterol – Fundamental for Life

As fate would have it, one of the most important chemicals in human physiology to sustain life is cholesterol. Yes, this is the same cholesterol that has been so vilified over the past several decades as bei...
Parkinson’s – Focus On Prevention

Parkinson’s – Focus On Prevention

Parkinson’s Disease affects as many as one million Americans with around 60,000 new cases being diagnosed each year. Worldwide, more than 10 million people have been diagnosed with this debilitating and pro...
The Science Speaks – Mercury Fillings Threaten Health

The Science Speaks – Mercury Fillings Threaten Health

I’m often asked about the potential health risks posed by “silver fillings.” In answering, my first response is to rephrase the question. I offer up a kind correction by calling these tooth restorations “mer...