

Low-Carb Diet is Best – Who Knew?

Low-Carb Diet is Best – Who Knew?

As I’m sure many of you are aware, we are getting ready for launch next week of the Grain Brain Cookbook. The mission of the new cookbook is to demonstrate how incredibly wonderful it is to eat low-carb high...
Fill Your Glass With This to Improve Gut Microbiota

Fill Your Glass With This to Improve Gut Microbiota

There is certainly been a lot of discussion in the scientific community I related to the positive aspects of drinking red wine. Red wine, in addition to its healthy content of polyphenols - natural antioxida...
Drink for Your Health

Drink for Your Health

No doubt, if you’ve been following my blog, or reading Grain Brain, you’ve certainly gotten the message that you’ve got to do everything you can to avoid consumption of sugar. Scientific research has certain...
The Vitamin That May Save Your Brain

The Vitamin That May Save Your Brain

We’ve certainly learned a lot more about the health benefits of vitamin D over the past decade. While it’s long been recognized that vitamin D is important for strong and healthy bones, it’s role in health a...
CoQ10: Powerful Supplement for Health

CoQ10: Powerful Supplement for Health

We’re certainly hearing a lot about the nutritional supplement, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), as of late, and with good reason. The clinical application of CoQ10 has now been validated in many conditions, including ...
Re-energize with Carnitine

Re-energize with Carnitine

As we age, it’s almost expected that we will experience greater levels of physical fatigue, mental fatigue, muscular wasting, and even cognitive impairment. So what can be done? No doubt there is clear merit...
Changing Gene Expression – Powerful Anti-Aging Medicine

Changing Gene Expression – Powerful Anti-Aging Medicine

Exciting research from the University of Texas Health Science Center has identified what has now been termed the “master regulator of the aging process.” The process of aging seems to be quite directly corre...
Do Probiotics Lower Blood Pressure?

Do Probiotics Lower Blood Pressure?

By: Austin Perlmutter, MD, Medical Student, Miller School of Medicine As research on the microbiome flourishes, we continue to find evidence for the role of probiotics in optimizing our health. Most recently...
The One Probiotic Supplement You Need to be Taking

The One Probiotic Supplement You Need to be Taking

Bowel wall permeability, more commonly described these days as “leaky gut,” is now front and center in the news, and is well known as a cause of a large number of common disease entities. The intestinal barr...
Diabetes and Risk for Cognitive Decline

Diabetes and Risk for Cognitive Decline

One of the most important concepts described in Grain Brain focuses on the fundamental role of elevated blood sugar as it relates to brain degeneration. We explored in-depth, scientific literature that demon...