

What We Know About Your Alzheimer’s Risk

What We Know About Your Alzheimer’s Risk

We are all at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, a disease for which there is absolutely no meaningful pharmaceutical treatment. Previously, the relationship between Alzheimer’s risk and modifiable lifestyle cho…
Even Minimal Exercise Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk

Even Minimal Exercise Reduces Alzheimer’s Risk

Sadly, despite incredible advances in our ability to treat so many challenging health threats, we are virtually empty handed as it relates to Alzheimer’s disease. So, it really makes sense to do everything …
Gut Bacteria Predict Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Gut Bacteria Predict Type 2 Diabetes Risk

One of the important themes in my book Brain Maker had to do with the role of our gut bacteria in metabolism. In the book, I reviewed the research that related changes in the gut bacteria to risk for diabet…
Ketosis and the Heart

Ketosis and the Heart

So much has been written in recent years supporting the brain benefits of a ketogenic diet as it relates to protecting and even enhancing brain function. But this unique diet, like any other dietary plan, c…
Uric Acid and Cognitive Decline

Uric Acid and Cognitive Decline

There are several key mechanisms that are directly involved in what causes our most pervasive degenerative conditions like coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, overweight and obesity, hypertension, and …
Why is the “Alzheimer’s Gene” So Common?

Why is the “Alzheimer’s Gene” So Common?

Now that so many people are having their genomes sequenced, the role of the APOE-4 allele in terms of its association with a dramatic increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is getting a lot of attentio…
Does Diet Really Affect the Brain?

Does Diet Really Affect the Brain?

Over the years we’ve heard so much information about how diet affects things like heart attack risk, bone density, diabetes and blood sugar control, as well as, more recently, the brain.
Is Alzheimer’s Disease “Old-Timer’s” Disease?

Is Alzheimer’s Disease “Old-Timer’s” Disease?

It’s generally assumed that we should expect that our cognitive function is going to decline as we age.
You Can Choose to Lower Your Alzheimer’s Risk!

You Can Choose to Lower Your Alzheimer’s Risk!

A central theme of our outreach messaging over the past decade centers on the role of our everyday lifestyle decisions in influencing the health destiny of our brains. As many of you know, we recently produc…
Alzheimer’s Prevention Strategies Validated

Alzheimer’s Prevention Strategies Validated

Over the past decade we have been vigorously promoting the concept of Alzheimer’s prevention. Alzheimer’s disease is devastating, not just for the patient, but for families and loved ones as well. And let me…