

Exercise restores brain insulin sensitivity in sedentary adults who are overweight and obese

Exercise restores brain insulin sensitivity in sedentary adults who are overweight and obese

Oral antibiotics reduce voluntary exercise behavior in athletic mice

Oral antibiotics reduce voluntary exercise behavior in athletic mice

Association of Daily Step Count and Intensity With Incident Dementia in 78 430 Adults Living in the UK

Association of Daily Step Count and Intensity With Incident Dementia in 78 430 Adults Living in the UK

Uric Acid, Blood Sugar, and Body Fat

Uric Acid, Blood Sugar, and Body Fat

AMPK is an enzyme of central importance in human metabolism. Yes, this post is a bit steeped in science, nonetheless, the information is really important as you soon will see. AMPK plays such an importan...
Reducing Risk for Diabetes with Exercise

Reducing Risk for Diabetes with Exercise

While there has been so much attention as of late focused on infectious diseases, there is another epidemic that may have even wider implications—type 2 diabetes. In and of itself, diabetes is a significant ...
Association Between Physical Activity and Risk of Disabling Dementia in Japan

Association Between Physical Activity and Risk of Disabling Dementia in Japan

3 Ways to Care for Your Brain in a Pandemic

3 Ways to Care for Your Brain in a Pandemic

By Dr. Austin Perlmutter In the wake of the global spread of the 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19), many of us have started to think more carefully about our health. How can we reduce our risk of infection and of...
Association of Air Pollution and Physical Activity With Brain Volumes

Association of Air Pollution and Physical Activity With Brain Volumes

Association of Physical Activity Level With Risk of Dementia in a Nationwide Cohort in Korea

Association of Physical Activity Level With Risk of Dementia in a Nationwide Cohort in Korea

Choosing Your Cognitive Destiny

Choosing Your Cognitive Destiny

In 1998, Dr. Peter Eriksson published a groundbreaking report in the journal Nature Medicine in which he described, for the first time, that the process of growing new brain cells, neurogenesis, occurs in hu...