

Healthy lifestyle and the risk of Alzheimer dementia

Healthy lifestyle and the risk of Alzheimer dementia

3 Ways to Care for Your Brain in a Pandemic

3 Ways to Care for Your Brain in a Pandemic

By Dr. Austin Perlmutter In the wake of the global spread of the 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19), many of us have started to think more carefully about our health. How can we reduce our risk of infection and of...
Reducing Risk for Diabetes with Exercise

Reducing Risk for Diabetes with Exercise

While there has been so much attention as of late focused on infectious diseases, there is another epidemic that may have even wider implications—type 2 diabetes. In and of itself, diabetes is a significant ...
Physical activity and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose–response meta-analysis

Physical activity and the risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose–response meta-analysis

Alzheimer’s and Exercise – You Can Protect Your Brain

Alzheimer’s and Exercise – You Can Protect Your Brain

The number of Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease has continued to grow at a dramatic rate. Currently, it is estimated that some 5.8 million Americans (of all ages) have Alzheimer’s disease. By and ...
The depressogenic potential of added dietary sugars

The depressogenic potential of added dietary sugars

Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia

Association of Lifestyle and Genetic Risk With Incidence of Dementia

An Anti-Aging Medicine?

An Anti-Aging Medicine?

I recently had the unique opportunity to serve as an advisor for the development of the next XPRIZE. Many of you may have heard of the XPRIZE for space, and this new prize is, to a degree, similar. The new X...
Metformin inhibits mitochondrial adaptations to aerobic exercise training in older adults

Metformin inhibits mitochondrial adaptations to aerobic exercise training in older adults

Positive Patient Response to a Structured Exercise Program Delivered in Inpatient Psychiatry

Positive Patient Response to a Structured Exercise Program Delivered in Inpatient Psychiatry