

Exercise and Mental Health

Exercise and Mental Health

By Dr. Austin Perlmutter It’s not news to anyone: exercise is good for our health. What is more interesting is the recent research showing how physical activity may activate certain pathways within our immu...
Healthy lifestyle and the risk of Alzheimer dementia

Healthy lifestyle and the risk of Alzheimer dementia

Alzheimer’s and Exercise – You Can Protect Your Brain

Alzheimer’s and Exercise – You Can Protect Your Brain

The number of Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease has continued to grow at a dramatic rate. Currently, it is estimated that some 5.8 million Americans (of all ages) have Alzheimer’s disease. By and ...
Responsiveness of dentate neurons generated throughout adult life is associated with resilience to cognitive aging

Responsiveness of dentate neurons generated throughout adult life is associated with resilience to cognitive aging

Neurobiology of BDNF in fear memory, sensitivity to stress, and stress-related disorders

Neurobiology of BDNF in fear memory, sensitivity to stress, and stress-related disorders

Lifestyle Modulators of Neuroplasticity: How Physical Activity, Mental Engagement, and Diet Promote Cognitive Health during Aging

Lifestyle Modulators of Neuroplasticity: How Physical Activity, Mental Engagement, and Diet Promote Cognitive Health during Aging

Exercising to Improve Gut Health

Exercising to Improve Gut Health

Exercise is a healthy choice no matter how you choose to look at it. Research demonstrating the importance of exercise for cardiovascular health dates back at least four decades. Even more recent research sh...
Dementia – Reducing Your Risk Starts Today

Dementia – Reducing Your Risk Starts Today

Despite countless hundreds of millions of dollars dedicated to seeking out a meaningful treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, as of the time of this writing the pharmaceutical promise of dealing with this epide...
6 Powerful Ways to Improve Brain Health

6 Powerful Ways to Improve Brain Health

By: The Dr. Perlmutter Team What does it mean to have a healthy brain? It means having a brain that is readily capable of performing all of its vital functions. This includes basic functions, like regulati...
Father’s Exercise Habits May Benefit His Children!

Father’s Exercise Habits May Benefit His Children!

By Austin Perlmutter, MD We’re always taught to set a good example for our children, but what if your decision to exercise influenced the health of your future offspring? A recently published study in the jo...