

Five Incredible Alzheimer’s Facts You Probably Don’t Know

Five Incredible Alzheimer’s Facts You Probably Don’t Know

Today, take a moment to consider these five amazing facts about Alzheimer's Disease. How many did you know before reading? Alzheimer’s is preventable. More than 50% of Alzheimer’s cases can be prevented w...
Alzheimer’s Risk Cut in Half!

Alzheimer’s Risk Cut in Half!

When you survey people to determine what diseases they fear the most, Alzheimer’s is always among the top answers. Its been estimated that in America today there are approximately 5.4 million of us who’ve be...
Longitudinal Relationships between Caloric Expenditure and Gray Matter in the Cardiovascular Health Study

Longitudinal Relationships between Caloric Expenditure and Gray Matter in the Cardiovascular Health Study

Healthy Microbiome – Healthy Bones

Healthy Microbiome – Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis and osteopenia (meaning low bone mass) are extremely common problems here in America. The National Osteoporosis Foundation recently released data indicating that approximately 54 million America...
My Top 3 Health Recommendations for 2016

My Top 3 Health Recommendations for 2016

As you're planning your New Year's Resolutions, consider my list of suggestions for 2016: Exercise – Yes, you’ve heard it so many times before, but our understanding of what exercise does to enhance healt...
Exercise and associated dietary extremes impact on gut microbial diversity

Exercise and associated dietary extremes impact on gut microbial diversity

Ashwagandha Improves Athletic Performance

Ashwagandha Improves Athletic Performance

Ashwagandha is an important herb in traditional Indian medicine because of its wide-ranging health benefits. As it turns out, there’s a lot of mainstream science surrounding this ancient herb that validates ...
Effects of eight­week supplementation of Ashwagandha on cardiorespiratory endurance in elite Indian cyclists

Effects of eight­week supplementation of Ashwagandha on cardiorespiratory endurance in elite Indian cyclists

Exercise and Neurogenesis

Exercise and Neurogenesis

I’ve been posting over the past several years about the relationship of Alzheimer's disease to inflammation, and the process of inflammation in general. More recently we've seen information relating LPS, a c...
Systemic lipopolysaccharide administration impairs retrieval of context–object discrimination, but not spatial, memory: Evidence for selective disruption of specific hippocampus-dependent memory functions during acute neuroinflammation

Systemic lipopolysaccharide administration impairs retrieval of context–object discrimination, but not spatial, memory: Evidence for selective disruption of specific hippocampus-dependent memory functions during acute neuroinflammation