

Why We Shouldn’t Focus on Developing Alzheimer’s Treatments

Why We Shouldn’t Focus on Developing Alzheimer’s Treatments

Recently, The New York Times announced the creation of a partnership between the National Institutes of Health, 10 pharmaceutical companies and seven nonprofit organizations dedicated to the development of d…
Reverse Aging with Resveratrol

Reverse Aging with Resveratrol

It’s true that if you lead a Grain Brain-friendly lifestyle, you should avoid the temptation to crack open a cold beer (even the gluten-free kind). However, that doesn’t mean all alcohol is off-limits. In fa…
Getting the Answers

Getting the Answers

Last month, you may have seen a post on my Facebook page about an interview I had done with Medscape. A few weeks later, the interview was made available to the general public on WebMD. The main focus of the…
Pesticides Increase Risk for Neurodegenerative Conditions

Pesticides Increase Risk for Neurodegenerative Conditions

We vote with our wallets. That said, we are certainly seeing a substantial increase in interest in organic foods, and with good reason. It has become clear that aside from the nutritional advantages of organ…
Gluten and the Microbiome

Gluten and the Microbiome

In humans, the relationship between type 1 diabetes and celiac disease is clear: having celiac disease dramatically increases risk for becoming a type 1 diabetic. But even beyond those with celiac disease, i…
Inflammation – Strong Relationship to Dementia

Inflammation – Strong Relationship to Dementia

Inflammation is a process with which we are all familiar. Whether from an insect bite or an arthritic joint, we associate inflammation with the typical observations of pain, redness, and swelling as well as …
Alpha-Lipoic Acid – A Viable Treatment For Diabetic Neuropathy

Alpha-Lipoic Acid – A Viable Treatment For Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy now affects an estimated 15-18 million Americans. That means that close to 70% of the almost 26 million Americans with type 2 diabetes suffer from this sometimes debilitating condition. A…
More Health Implications Related to the Glycemic Index

More Health Implications Related to the Glycemic Index

For those of you who have been following my blog posts, the theme that is redundant focuses on the importance of choosing foods with a low glycemic index as a way to enhance brain health and function. But b…
Your Most Important Blood Test

Your Most Important Blood Test

This week, the British Journal of Cancer published an incredibly important report that found a strong relationship between a simple blood test and the risk for various forms of cancer. The study found that t…
Gut Feelings

Gut Feelings

Our emotional responses to everyday events are governed and influenced by many factors, including our past experiences, upbringing, and medications. But can the foods we eat play a role in our emotions? In …