

Exercise Benefits the Brain – But How?

Exercise Benefits the Brain – But How?

If you’ve been following any of my outreach, whether books, blogs, PBS specials or YouTube videos, it’s obvious that I have been hammering home the idea that physical exercise benefits the brain. This notion…
Your Brain – Your Choice

Your Brain – Your Choice

Your Brain – Your Choice My life mission, as defined over the past couple of decades, is focused on achieving one goal – getting the message to as many people as will listen that our day-to-day lifestyle ch…
Dietary Oils – An Important Update

Dietary Oils – An Important Update

We are so frequently warned about the health threats of consuming the ever so popular seed oils. And there’s good reason for the admonition.  Generally, online resources focus on the high omega-6 content of …
Blueberries, Good for the Brain?

Blueberries, Good for the Brain?

We often hear blueberries described as being a superfood, and almost universally they are included in the various lists describing “brain boosting foods.” Sure, there are studies that demonstrate blueberry c…
Coffee – Yes or No?

Coffee – Yes or No?

It seems like no matter where I lecture, even internationally, the question about coffee consumption as it relates to health almost always works its way into the Q and A session. So, I thought it would make …
Metformin Users – Consider This

Metformin Users – Consider This

Metformin is one of the most commonly prescribed medications on the planet. It is considered a “first-line” therapy for lowering blood glucose in the treatment of type-2 diabetes and has also proven useful i…
Parasites Define Leaders

Parasites Define Leaders

We tend to want to characterize the various microbes that live within us as being “good or bad.” But in reality, context is critically important. Most would probably say that across the animal kingdom, being…
Benefits of Brief Intense Exercise

Benefits of Brief Intense Exercise

Benefits of Brief Intense Exercise One area of research that has become increasingly popular over the past decade has been the body of science that confirms what we’ve all pretty much known for our entire a…
Something You Should Buy for Better Brain Energetics

Something You Should Buy for Better Brain Energetics

The human brain, despite only representing 5% of total body weight, consumes an astounding 25% of the body‘s energy at rest. And by and large, the energy that powers the brain is derived from the sugar gluco…
New Medication Associated with a 50% Risk Reduction for Dementia!

New Medication Associated with a 50% Risk Reduction for Dementia!

In the context of the lack of any meaningful treatment for dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, the recent discovery of a new medication that has been shown to be associated with dementia risk reductio…